Personal Financial Literacy

Develop Habits of Making Wise Choices

Personal Financial Literacy:

As parents, we want our kids to develop habits of making wise choices with their money. Ultimately, we want those habits to continue into their adult life.


Learning how to handle our personal finances is one of the most important lessons we can get; yet it is usually not taught in traditional education. We often stumble into adulthood without the tools we need to make wise financial choices and mistakes are often costly.


Personal Financial Literacy is the last section of our Whiz Biz Kids curriculum. Once students experience first-hand how to make money, we then provide the tools for how to be successful managing their personal money.


Personal Financial Literacy includes the following lessons:

  • The Money Trap
  • Assets and Liabilities
  • Different Ways to Trade Your Time
  • Financial Freedom Plan

We also offer an additional parent lesson that empowers parents to allow children to practice managing their own money before they leave home. Whiz Biz Kids believes putting personal financial literacy skills into practice early on is vital for children to develop the muscle of managing their own finances. Practicing this in a safe environment at home allows for teaching moments any time the child’s choice results in a money mishap.

Whiz Biz Kids
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