Reinforcing the Entrepreneurial Skills Kids Learn

Parents, what would it be like if:

  • Your children knew the value of the dollar?
  • There was an end to the demand for more “stuff”?
  • Your kids were inspired to be financially responsible?

Check out our Personal Financial Literacy lessons that can be taught from your own home and learn how to empower your child to practice managing their own money today!

Parents can reinforce the valuable financial and life-skills that students learn with Whiz Biz Kids. Whiz Biz Kids offers resources on a variety of topics relating to your child’s financial knowledge and personal responsibility.



• Habilidades empresariales
• Integridad
• Liderazgo
• Habilidades de comunicación
• Capacidad de reconocer las aportaciones de los otros.
• Responsabilidad
• Resolución de problemas

Whiz Biz Kids
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